

Why PLA2Y?

Pathways Leadership Academy for Aspiring Youth (PLA2Y) is an expeditionary, exploratory and empowerment program for 6th through 8th grade students that focuses on tapping into and cultivating the inner passions of youth and support them to demonstrate what they know and are able to do in a non-traditional school setting. Students will leave the program with proficiencies in real world problem solving and innovation.


How Will I Show What I Know At PLA2Y?


  • Flipped Classroom (Obtain the knowledge you need to complete your projects)

  • Self Organized Learning

  • Project Based (Show by Doing)

  • Badges for Achievements

  • Progress toward your Pathway Goals (You will have a PLA2Y Advisor with you every step of the way!)

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What does Leadership Look Like at PLA2Y?

  • Knowledge of yourself and your Heritage (We Value and Celebrate Your UNIQUENESS)

  • Mentorship of others

  • Being a CO-Designer of your learning experiences (You have a VOICE)

  • Student Advisory Team Membership Opportunities for PLA2Y

  • Leading in your Community (Projects that solve real world challenges in your community)

  • Public Speaking/Debate/Presentation Skill Building

  • Learning from Industry Leaders on effective leadership


They feel safe & collaborate with others

Learning is relevant to their interests & talents

Curiosity is encouraged & supported



After School Program

Grades 6–8

Aurora & Surrounding Areas



Roy Holloway

Roy Holloway

Through his work as a performing arts teacher, school administrator and program director over the past 26 years, Roy has had the pleasure to serve as a champion for underserved and underrepresented students that have the potential for greatness but lack the supports they need to thrive.

Roy believes that living with integrity, having access to resources, and a plan for the future are the keys to achieving personal success.

 Do you have any questions?

 Our Community Partners: